

自我評價 閱讀(1.6W)

業務員自我評價 篇1

我是一個對理想有著執著追求的人,堅信是金子總會發光。在年輕的季節我甘願吃苦受累,只願通過自己富有激-情、積極主動的努力實現自身價值並在工作中做出最大的貢獻:作為初學者,我具備出色的學習能力並且樂於學習、敢於創新,不斷追求卓越;作為參與者,我具備誠實可信的品格、富有團隊合作精神;作為領導者,我具備做事幹練、果斷的風格,良好的溝通和人際協調能力。受過系統的外貿相關專業知識訓練,有很強的忍耐力、意志力和吃苦耐勞的品質,對工作認真負責,積極進取,個性樂觀執著,敢於面對困難與挑戰。 希望能夠在貴單位找到無限動力的事業支點,而我的熱情和激-情也必將為貴單位帶來應有的價值,相信您的選擇和我的努力會為我們帶來雙贏的結果!真誠地希望您能夠為我提供一個施展才華的平臺,更希望我的加入能夠為您帶來卓越的價值!



業務員自我評價 篇2





公司有住宿,就在公司的對面,三室一廳的房子,所有的傢俱電器都是全的,空調,電視,dvd,冰箱,洗衣機,微波爐等等。住7個人,雖然人有點多,但是在深圳,公司能提供這樣的住宿條件也是很不錯的了。每天8點15上班,7點半起床,洗涑,吃早餐,然後到公司,刷卡,再開始一天的工作。我們業務部每天都要開早會,每天都有不同的人主持。主要是統計前一天的工作情況,驗貨,交貨情況等等,以及當天的工作安排。每週五的會議記錄是由我們組來做,我做了幾次,很頭痛,因為講的很快,事情又多,根本記不清楚所有的東西。後來由主管教該怎麼樣科學的記這些東西,然後整理。剛開始進公司,對所有的東西都是茫然,不知道自己該做什麼,不知所措。所幸的是,主管很好,27,8歲左右的女孩,就帶著我,一點點的教。這點我很感激她。因為很多公司的老闆都會告訴你,公司不是學校,不是讓你來學東西的,而是要你來工作,為公司贏的效益的。所以,謝謝我的主管!因為公司客戶多,業務很雜,最開始就要學在貿易系統裡打定單。這是件很重要卻又比較複雜的事情,定單裡包括working pa-pe-r,p/o,poi等等很多東西,而且是全英文的,任何一個小小的地方出錯都會釀成不同的後果。當然我出過很多錯,定單數量,交期,價格有問題。側麥主麥印錯等等很多。



業務員自我評價 篇3







業務員自我評價 篇4






業務員自我評價 篇5


業務員自我評價 篇6

First, efforts to improve the ideological and moral standards and political literacy

Actively participate in the parent company and with the company, the political study of the various departments of the organization, the theme of education, vocational education activities and the organizational activities and recreational activities, no unexcused absences phenomenon; able to adhere to the correct political orientation, conscientiously study Deng Xiaoping Theory and trisrepresentatives important thought and so on, all aspects of the initiative to strive to improve their ideological and moral qualities and political level, in both the ideological and political progress.

Second, efforts to improve service quality and service levels

Actively participate in the parent company and with the company, learning a variety of business training and examination and assessment of the sector organizations, eager to learn, creative, and constantly enhance their professional quality training, and continuously improve business skills and basic skills for customer service, masterdue professional business skills and service skills, able to skillfully handle a variety of business, aware of the company's operations and products can be targeted advocacy and promotion.

Third, strict implementation of the rules and regulations

Over the past year, whether for business or in other work, can the strict implementation of the parent company and support the company's various rules and regulations, internal regulations and service provision, insisted on using the term civilization, not ultra vires act, not abuse of power, does not appear to be customers complaints of irregularities and other illegal acts. Indecent amateur life, does not participate in gambling, buying lottery and other bad behavior.

Fourth, better accomplish various tasks branch and the department issued

Over the past year, in a warm and loving care to help company leaders and other master craftsmen under the insurance itself from a layman to be able to engage in independent marketing and developing the insurance business, in their own business positions, so that no irregularities, and the Secretary for the entire staff together efforts to better accomplish various tasks of leadership and superior arrangement. Against pleased achievements, but also found himself with the best staff than there are still some gaps and shortcomings. But I am confident that in future work, I will be even more outstanding performance!

業務員自我評價 篇7

First, efforts to improve the ideological and moral standards and political literacy

Actively participate in the parent company and with the company, the political study of the various departments of the organization, the theme of education, vocational education activities and the organizational activities and recreational activities, no unexcused absences phenomenon; able to adhere to the correct political orientation, conscientiously study Deng Xiaoping Theory and " Three Represents "and so on, all aspects of the initiative to strive to improve their ideological and moral qualities and political level, in both the ideological and political progress.

Second, efforts to improve service quality and service levels

Actively participate in the parent company and with the company, learning a variety of business training and examination and assessment of the sector organizations, eager to learn, creative, and constantly enhance their professional quality training, and continuously improve business skills and basic skills for customer service, masterdue professional business skills and service skills, able to skillfully do

A variety of business management, identifying the business of the company's products and to carry out targeted advertising and promotion.

Third, strict implementation of the rules and regulations

Over the past year, whether for business or in other work, can the strict implementation of the parent company and support the company's various rules and regulations, internal regulations and service provision, insisted on using the term civilization, not ultra vires act, not abuse of power, does not appear to be customers complaints of irregularities and other illegal acts. Indecent amateur life, does not participate in gambling, buying lottery and other bad behavior.

Fourth, better accomplish various tasks branch and the department issued

Over the past year, it could have been done conscientious, diligent work hard, go to work early and leaving late, based on the post, quiet dedication, positive completion of various tasks branch and the department issued. To actively support the movable main concern of the marketing efforts and tasks of the department are actively marketing electronic banking and various bank cards and other intermediary business.

Fifth, the main problems existing in the work and the direction of future efforts

Review of the year's work, the work of the company has made some achievements, completion of the tasks listed companies issued indicators, management of the foundation is also a lot of progress, but the work still exist some problems, such as: Non auto insurance yet to be developed. Non-auto insurance business scale is still small proportion of the total premium, not the formation of scale. I will carefully analyze the reasons for the slow tears of non-auto insurance, and actively seek measures to strengthen all kinds of new types of propaganda, and actively carry out effective promotional activities to further widen their marketing agents, marketing agents and industry to develop the appropriate incentives to promote non development of insurance business.

In addition, to give full play to the role of leadership team members set an example, requires that employees do team members to do the first, the strict implementation of the principle of progressively responsible administrative; to pay close attention to all staff pragmatic work style requires that all business responsibilities to the people, efforts to improve the efficiency of work; continue to implement ten thousand yuan premium wage system, the implementation of everyone's head there are indicators, strictly control the expenses.

20xx, the company's tasks will still be very difficult, in the face of fierce market competition, decided to develop the theme, to serve as the main line, in order to improve the performance of the company and all employees' income as the fundamental starting point, to promote objectivity, integrity, hard work, innovation the spirit of enterprise, so Bryan's work to a higher level.

業務員自我評價 篇8

Before graduation temporary drop, the school gave us a chance to practice, in order to allow us to society practice, I also cherish this opportunity, after school arrangements, I went to insurance company branch, I have not engaged in familiar insurance work, stress, loss, lost feeling milling around to it, but I can overcome, because I am convinced that he could face.

In the company, I have accepted the basic theory and the insurance company's new insurance - universal insurance training in basic terms and regulations, participate in sales of universal insurance product launches and different forms of customer involvement Association will listen newcomers training with weekly morning meetings large and small, to participate in the process to deal with matters of insurance agents exchange contracts, insurance salesman and hospitality of its production, print a variety of presentation forms of insurance benefits, insurance sales and an auxiliary group other colleagues training room to solve problems at work and so on. Through participation in the work of these various forms, I learned a lot of valuable practical knowledge, mainly:

(1) Insurance collected and the status of the insurance industry, the insurance that I have a more objective and comprehensive understanding, good sense, but also inspired my interest in deepening the understanding of finance and want to apply their knowledge.

(2) the known data analysis and communication with colleagues to improve the cognitive abilities of self-thought through, as a scientific forecast of the status of the insurance industry research and prospects of further sparked my career orientation thoughtful, helped design career planning and career in college I carried.

(3) to have a preliminary career, true and appropriate awareness and improved efforts to clear objectives, with colleagues and by many of the salesman exchanges, contacts and learn valuable interpersonal skills and life skills experience, handed several friends can humbly ask the elders for their guidance, education and ideological inspiration for me.

Practical knowledge and software application skills (4) office computer, and the ability to deal with problems / fanwen / 1600 / and experience strengthened my knowledge extended, collected and improve the ability of the desire to learn.

(5) hard-working, practical, serious and responsible work style of importance, the only way to be recognized, in order to truly be harvested.

Of course, in my personal opinion also found some minor problems, such as insurance agents appraisal system is not perfect, professional quality insurance salesman uneven attendance system is not perfect, irregular division of labor is not clear enough and so needs to be improved.

This practice taught me a lot, not only let me expand horizons, an increase of social knowledge, and after I graduated from college into the community to lay a solid foundation, is a major asset during my youth, so I am a lifetime.

業務員自我評價 篇9

首先感謝公司能給我一個施展我個人技能與實現人生價值的機會。我於x年7月1日來到,擔任公司資訊管理員一職,主要負責公司資訊系統軟硬體維護及公司資訊化發展工作。能來到這個充滿活力的集體,我感到無比的榮幸和激動。我一定會珍惜這來之不易的機會,全身心地投入到今後的工作中,為公司明天的發展,貢獻自己全部的力量。 總結三個月的工作:忙碌伴隨著充實,汗水伴隨著收穫。 工作方面:

1. 掌握了公司現有網路,軟體等資訊資源的基本情況。已經可以獨立處理日常資訊問 題。

2. 對當前資訊裝置情況進行了盤點,掌握了基礎資料。現在可以再網路上進行初步的 統一管理

3. 編寫了資訊管理制度,正在逐步推行。

4. 利用資訊技術手段幫助其他同事提升了工作效率,如快遞單自動列印,excel表格 技術提升等。

5. 伺服器選型及詢價,伺服器日常巡視維護。

6. oa系統已開始試執行,目前運轉狀態良好。後續會收集試執行階段反饋意見逐步 改善,最終配合u8正式上線,實現手機上報銷售情況。

7. u8系統處於方案確認階段,正在逐步推進。這裡我會加強雙方的溝通,爭取專案 早日上線。